Search engine optimization is not complete without social media. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter can be great places to find hot leads. It is nothing more satisfying than seeing your followers and fans grow over time. Even better? You can see them interact with your posts via comments, likes, and retweets.
But not everyone on social media is as they appear to be. Companies and individuals create fake accounts. These accounts can attract people, get website clicks, and increase rankings. Be wary of users with low numbers of tweets or no profile picture.
Fake News Gets in the Way
Fake followers and fans are a significant problem for online marketers. They can cause problems with your data accuracy. Follower/fan interaction is critical in social media metrics like engagement and conversion. You will struggle to analyze the effectiveness of your campaign if yours are fakes. This wastes time, money, effort, and frustration for you and your team.
Facebook is aware of the dangers of fake accounts and removed all inactive Likes from company pages within the first week of March 2015. While many large companies were affected by this, Facebook knew it was for their good. You can now see your Facebook campaign’s success without counting deactivated or memorialized accounts click here.
Twitter is another social media giant that should be following this movement. Although they did not make a formal announcement, we discovered through informal experiments that automated engagements are not being counted in Analytics. This means that fake accounts or real users who use third-party apps to reTweet and publish posts are devalued.
How to spot – and remove – fakes
It’s easy to spot fake accounts on social media, unlike in real life. To clean up your marketing data, you can use various online tools to determine which funds you should delete.
Twitter’s security measures have been updated, but some hackers still managed to hack their systems. Fakers app, Fake Followers tool from Socialbakers, and Twitter Audit can help you identify them.
Fakers app is a tool that allows you to analyze the Twitter followers of your friends. Enter your Twitter handle, and then wait for a few minutes, depending on your account size. It will display the percentage of active, fake, and good accounts. You can block fake accounts automatically with a paid subscription. Also, you can view the Twitter details of up 15 friends and competitors.
Socialbakers’ Fake Followers tool is another tool that can be used for free. It offers a 10- to 15% margin of error. Just enter your Twitter handle, and it will wait. It will then compare 100 random Followers to a set of criteria and present you with a roll-call of suspicious accounts. (We checked the tool, and it is currently under maintenance.
For large accounts, we recommend Twitter Audit. Just enter your Twitter screenname, authorize the app and wait. It will display your audit score, which shows the exact number and quality of fake and real users in your account. You can upgrade to their PRO version to automatically block fake accounts and receive monthly audit reports.
It is challenging to remove fake Facebook friends. First, you must determine if the account is accurate. You can choose to ignore or block the account after you discover it. Facebook recommends targeting ads or promotions to reach the right people in a thread post. Their solution has a problem: other people can still view your business page and decide not to Like it, even if they’re fakes.
We found Social Media Buzz, their step-by-step guide to removing fake Likes from your page and banning them forever.
IGExorcist, a free app that lets you delete fake Instagram followers, is a great option. Sign in to your account and authorize the app. Next, click the Request Rebuild button. They will analyze each follower and take some time (so if there are more than 500, it may take several minutes).
The user’s interaction with you over the past 300 days will affect how they compare. Inactive followers will be shown as new followers. Be careful about who you delete!
Get Real, Legit Followers Today
We’re not talking here about buying them. This strategy is cheating and will not help your social media analytics in the long term. There is nothing better than having real people as followers or fans. They’re also more enjoyable. These tips will help you get started on social media:
Be active, be human
Imagine speaking to someone and seeing that they are either asleep or not paying attention. Isn’t it mad? The same applies to social media. It’s like talking to a brick wall by publishing posts to inactive accounts.
It would help if you took the time to search for exciting and relevant content from your followers/fans that you would like to share on your Feed. You can like or favorite their posts. Use @mentions to thank new followers and fans. Comment. Ask questions to spark a healthy discussion. Do not be silent! Remember, being human means being interactive. Get out there and engage with your followers and fans!
Diversify Content
You can share content relevant to your industry, but it’s also a good idea to include some funny, clever, and surprising stories. Do not limit yourself to linking. You will not only look boring and spammy, but you will also lose people’s interest in the content you share. Use beautiful images, videos, and quotes to spice up your posts. Nobody wants to be reminded of the same thing over and over again. Do your followers and fans a favor, and be unpredictable.
Sometimes all it takes to get someone to notice you are a tap on the shoulder. This can be @mentions, private messages, or replies on social media. Do not be afraid to reach out to people, especially if you are saying hi and being kind. People always appreciate a few positive comments. Be genuine. Do not fake compliments; people will know.